Cleaning Franchises Adapt To The Times
As lockdown restrictions in parts of the UK begin to ease, and businesses start to welcome back customers, the way in which businesses respond to new measures will be critical to the judgement of their business. Many consumers have experienced heightened anxieties in the midst of the pandemic and the thought of returning to some sort of ‘normality’ has intensified these feelings for some. Communication, being proactive, and demonstrating how the safety of customers/visitors is paramount to the business will help build trust and in turn attract customers back.
Whilst all this is crucial, it’s important to note this will not be a ‘quick fix’, especially given the recent rise in cases and local restrictions taking place. The road to recovery is a journey that needs to be executed with caution and care, after all building trust takes time.
US franchise Jani-King has adapted its commercial cleaning operation to highlight their COVID-19 Specialist Deep Cleans. Their website highlights the key services offered and the training staff have undergone to meet regulations in preparing your business for a safe reopening. Whilst, UK franchise Betterclean Services has adapted their products to meet demand, adding additional chemicals and equipment to their portfolio that are proven to kill a whole host of viruses and bacteria. Bettercleans new pressure spray provides the most effective way of applying the sanitiser to maximise contact time.
New franchise Electroclean operates a unique approach to commercial cleaning. Their Electrostatic deep clean services kill and protect 99.99% of known viruses and bacteria (including the coronavirus) for up to 28 days. Electroclean will be providing a complimentary deep clean of the next International Franchise Show in 2021 to ensure guests’ peace of mind when attending the event.
As offices begin to welcome back staff, and lockdown in the UK continues to ease, the emphasis on cleaning and disinfection is crucial for all businesses in order to meet COVID-secure workplace standards and build-up customer trust and confidence in your brand.
At the next International Franchise Show in 2021, ExCeL London, you’ll have the opportunity to explore all these cleaning brands and many more. Discover our growing list of cleaning franchises here and follow @FranchiseShowUK or @InternationalFranchiseShow on social channels to keep-up to date with the show.
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