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The Power of Tutoring

The Power of Tutoring

We are all unique individuals. Each one of us has different dreams and aspirations. There will be a different starting point and end goal for us all. That’s why I love the business of tutoring. Tutoring gives us the opportunity to work with children on a one to one basis and embrace that individuality.

We are all unique individuals.

Each one of us has different dreams and aspirations.

There will be a different starting point and end goal for us all.

That’s why I love the business of tutoring. Tutoring gives us the opportunity to work with children on a one to one basis and embrace that individuality.

I disliked school. I never felt good enough and the teachers never seemed to explain things in a way that I could relate to. The prospect of putting up my hand and asking was something I rarely had the confidence to do and when I did, they seemed exasperated with me for not getting something that to them was clearly so obvious.

But I had my dad. He wasn’t a qualified teacher, but he had patience and the ability to make things relatable. He spoke to me in a language I understood.

After I had my three children I started working in childcare and education and studied for a degree in the same subject. At the same time Clara, my oldest daughter started the juniors and although she is a bright individual to talk to, her spellings were all over the place. One piece of work could have the same word spelt three or four different ways. She wouldn’t see the mistakes and carried on blissfully unaware.

I attended a course in supporting children with reading and spelling difficulties held at the local college. The lady running the course suggested I asked Clara’s school to assess her for dyslexia. The school instantly dismissed the idea. I didn’t have the confidence to fight my corner and ask to have it investigated further, so I decided I would learn what I could in order to help her myself.

Over the following twelve years, I worked in a range of educational settings, ranging from mainstream schools, playgroups, nurseries, an NVQ assessor, a childminder. I worked with mainstream children and with children with profound autism.

I studied, worked hard and the results were heavily influenced by everyone I worked with.

What was continually reinforced was that if you do something once you create one memory in the brain. If you do that same thing several times, you are

making that memory stronger, but your brain still only has one place to go to find the information that it needs.

However, if you give the student a range of resources, you are creating multiple memories so if they are stressed and not thinking logically or, as with many children who have dyslexia and other similar learning difficulties, the brain doesn’t necessarily take the straight path. The logical route. But, if you have provided the brain with multiple places to find the information it needs, it is more likely to pass one of these places and recall the facts it is looking for.

This was the basis for the logic in Clara James Tutoring. If we can be like my dad and have patience and explain things to a child in a way that they, as an individual will understand, they are more likely to succeed.

If we give them multiple memories, they are more likely to succeed.

As a parent what would you expect from the tutor? Work with this child as if you can genuinely make a difference and you will. These are children who need help.

By offering the best support available you will inevitably grow your business. Everyone will benefit. Everyone’s life will be affected for the better.

Not every child we work with has a learning difficulty, but these philosophies work with every child. Because a label or not, we are all individuals. We all have different starting points and end goals. We can all learn; it just takes someone special to stop and recognise you as an individual to help you achieve your dreams, your full potential.

Head to to enquire about the best tutoring option to suit you. 


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