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What We Do

XplorerGroup- ComputerXplorers Stand: 670
  • What We Do
  • What We Do
  • What We Do
What We Do What We Do What We Do

Our own unique curriculum with fun and engaging activities

We create our own leading-edge curriculum ensuring that all of our courses are totally fun, engaging and educational.

We focus on a blend of tech skills and computational thinking combined with soft skills such as collaboration, communication and problem-solving, and of course very often boosting literacy and numeracy alongside.

A huge range of cool courses – coding, robotics and so much more!

Our extensive range of coding classes are enormously popular and we have even more great tech activities besides! These are just some of the courses we offer – 3D design and printing, augmented reality, app design, digital arts, animation, game design, robotics, engineering, electronics and the latest Minecraft skills – as well as all of our coding courses, of course!

It's a winning combination ensuring schools, parents and children keep coming back.

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