MathRiders Starter - For the Love of Maths!
MathRiders’ youngest learners experience maths through the world around them. Small classes, a warm, nurturing environment and fun learning experiences give children ages 2-4 the perfect interactive introduction to maths! Maths from Day One Research has shown that from the earliest stages, babies think about objects, events and people in surprisingly mathematical ways. MathRiders boosts children’s natural skills by providing them with a mathematics-rich environment, encouraging them to reach their full potential. Maths through Play, Movement and Music Through play, movement and music, MathRiders builds a solid maths foundation. Learning through play and exploration helps our youngest students develop analytic skills, information processing and improve their natural abilities. Self-Expression and Leadership Each child is encouraged to express himself as an individual, as well as part of a group. This expression helps build self-esteem which increases motivation and generates success. Establishing a Lasting Foundation The mathematical knowledge that children gain before they begin school can have a significant influence on future performance.