
Karl Dietrich
Karl Dietrich is the Strategic Lead at NGI Franchise Funding, bringing over 15 years of experience in franchising as a franchisor, franchisee, and business coach. NGI specialises in supporting franchisors and franchisees in finding solutions tailored to their needs and driving sustainable growth and long-term success.
With expertise in all aspects of franchising, business planning, and operational strategy, Karls’s focus is to build on the 20 years of their success to establish NGI Franchise Finance as an essential partner to the franchise sector. A passionate advocate for transparency and excellence, Karl has been instrumental in introducing the NGI Gold Standard—an industry-first ‘Quality Mark’ for financial verification. These insights empower franchisors and franchisees to build confidence with lenders and unlock their full potential.
11-Apr-2025Theatre TwoThe Gold Standard in Franchisor Finance: Confidence for Franchisee Growth
12-Apr-2025Theatre Four - Sponsored by McDonald's RestaurantsThe Gold Standard in Franchisor Finance: Confidence for Franchisee Growth