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Richard Pakey

Richard Pakey

Managing Director, Lime Licensing Group

Working as one of the most consistently successful UK Franchise Consultants. Lime Licensing Group work with new and established franchisors to implement elite strategies that result in market-leading network growth underpinned by a highly effective network management blueprint that optimises unit growth and royalties.

Lime Licensing Group has for 29 years now helped franchisors to become elite operators, based on hands-on experience as a multi-brand franchisor, and has guided many brands to market-leading positions and multi-million pound valuations. Our clients have set up over 2000 franchises in many different sectors and at all price points and they are fully supported by our companies, Lime Licensing Group and


Solutions for new and established Franchisors include:

Addressing sluggish network growth: perhaps you feel that your recruitment is too slow.

Smart Budgeting: knowing where to place your recruitment budget makes all the difference!

Unit performance: are you finding that some of your franchisees are coasting or underperforming? Follow our blueprint and create a win-win for all.

Does your management team lack a franchising specialist to guide your decision making or would they benefit from regular "power hours" to address the current issues you are encountering?

Are you finding that franchise resales are dragging down network performance? Correctly embracing this fact of life for franchisors allows you to turn a negative into a real positive for everyone.

Full Franchise setup, launch, and recruitment for new franchise brands

No matter what your current situation is we can provide practical proven assistance to maximize your franchise business. With a history of multi-brand franchisors ourselves there is no scenario we haven't experienced personally or advised other franchisors on how to deal with correctly.

Contact us to book a free power hour, and let's get your franchise sorted!

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